Albantsho 101: A First-Timer’s Guide to Navigating the Screenwriting Suite

Nov 27, 2023

We know, firsthand, how difficult it can be to get into creative mode. Between this and the occasional feeling of not being good enough, writers all over the world typically have their hands full. We want you to have one less thing to worry about with Albantsho Suite—the innovative platform designed to elevate and empower African screenwriters like you. This is why we’ve made getting started very easy. When your creative story idea meets the Albantsho screenwriting tool, it can only be one thing: magical. 

Here’s your step-by-step guide to getting started on the Albantsho Suite.

First, some Housekeeping…

Since the Albantsho Suite is a cloud-based platform, a stable internet connection is crucial for the best user experience. If you experience any lag, check your internet speed here to confirm stability. Now, let’s embark on your creative journey!


Section 1: Registering a New Account on the Albantsho Suite

Step 1: Visit

Albantsho Suite landing page

Visit on your web browser.


Step 2: Click “Sign In”

Locate and click the “Sign In” button in the top right corner.


Step 3: Click “Create a Free Account”

Login page

First-time users need to create an account. Press the “Create a Free Account” button at the bottom-center corner.


Step 4: Select an option to continue

Sign up page

You can either proceed with your Google account or by inputting an email address into the field available.

If you use the Google account option, your account will be created almost immediately and automatically signed in.


Step 5: Check Your Email

If you selected ‘Continue with email,” check your inbox (or maybe spam) for a 5-digit verification code.


Step 6: Verify Your Email

Enter login code

Enter the correct 5-digit code in the designated box and automatically get verified.


Step 7: Set a Name and Password 

We’re almost done. Set a name and password for easier access to your account when next you try to log in.


Step 8: Select your Goals

Albantsho Suite

To better optimize your user experience on the Albantsho Suite, select all the goals that apply to your creative journey at this time. Don’t worry, you still get access to all Albantsho’s features and you can always go back and edit your selection(s).


Step 9: Select your Profile Type

Albantsho Suite

Writer? Producer? Select the profile type and get started on your creative journey on the Albantsho Suite. We’ll streamline your setup, but you can always switch between profiles in the future.


Step 10: Writer: What Would You Like to Do First?

For your first writing project, would you like to “Start Writing” a new draft or “Import Stories” and continue editing your previous work? Whatever your decision, you’re simply a button click away from opening the door to a realm of endless creative possibilities.

Albantsho Suite

Congratulations! You’ve joined the Albantsho Suite

You’ve officially joined the Albantsho creative community, where your stories are destined to come to life! Cheers to the narratives you’ll weave, the characters you’ll birth, and the worlds you’ll create. Happy writing!



Section 2: Logging Into the Albantsho Suite

Step 1: Return to 

Albantsho Suite

Visit to continue your creative journey.


Step 2: Click “Sign In”

Click the “Sign In” button in the top right corner.


Step 3: Enter Your Details

Albantsho Suite

Sign in using either your Google account or a combination of your set email address and password.


Step 4: Welcome Back!

Albantsho Suite

You’re in! Navigate your dashboard and explore the benefits the Albantsho Suite has to offer.

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