8 Steps To Take After Completing Your Screenplay

Sep 12, 2023

You’re finally done completing your screenplay. You’ve just typed the final words, and the sense of accomplishment is palpable. Yet, one question looms large: How do you turn your written masterpiece into a visual masterpiece? 

This question looms in the mind of every aspiring screenwriter, especially those without industry connections. A good script will eventually find its way to the big screen, but while waiting for your big break into the industry, taking the right steps after finishing your screenplay can make the journey smoother. 


1. Proofread Your Work

After pouring your heart and creativity onto the pages, take a step back and proofread your work meticulously. Nothing’s stickier than pages riddled with flimsy typos that could have easily been avoided. A screenplay devoid of grammatical and spelling mistakes conveys that you take your craft seriously.


2. Get Feedback

It’s common for writers to feel a deep connection to their ideas, which can blind them to potential plot problems. Seeking feedback is paramount. Others offer fresh perspectives, not burdened by emotional attachments to your story. This outside view helps you gauge how effectively your ideas are conveyed and interpreted. Embrace constructive criticism to ensure your story delivers its intended impact.


3. Embrace Rewriting

If you’re unwilling to rewrite, you’re not truly ready to be a screenwriter. Feedback may suggest changes or improvements, and it’s essential to implement them in your script. Rewriting is where your story finds its polish and becomes a gem.


4. Consider Submitting to Screenwriting Contests

Numerous screenwriting contests exist, and many aspiring screenwriters submit their work to these competitions. While the competition can be fierce, submitting your script is an investment in yourself. There’s always a chance that your story might catch someone’s eye. Even if you don’t win, a judge might be so enamored with your work that they reach out to collaborate or provide specific feedback to help you improve your craft.



5. Assemble Collaborators

If contests aren’t your preferred route, and you dream of bringing your script to life as a filmmaker, consider assembling a team of like-minded individuals: a casting agent, cinematographer, producer, etc. Some may be passionate enough to work with you for the love of the craft.


6. Seek Representation

After completing your screenplay, the next step is to seek representation. Finding someone with industry connections can be invaluable. They can open doors that would otherwise remain closed to you. Representation can be the bridge between your talent and the right opportunities.


7. Network Socially

In the film industry, being a social butterfly is essential. Attend industry events, gatherings, and workshops when you’re not immersed in the creative process. Share your passion for writing, as you never know whom you might meet. Often, within your extended network, there’s someone with even a slight connection to the movie industry who could help you on your journey.


8. Budget Smartly

If you’re planning to produce your script and require funding, it’s crucial to find someone experienced in budgeting. They can help you create a budget that aligns with your vision. If the initial budget exceeds your means, consider rewriting your script to match your available resources.

Remember, your journey as a screenwriter is not just about reaching the destination; it’s about embracing every step of the process. After completing your screenplay, each rewrite is an opportunity to refine your work, and every connection you make could be a stepping stone to success.

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