Albantsho’s Journey in 2023: A Year in Review

Jan 12, 2024

2023 was an incredible year at Albantsho. To describe it in one word, I’d say rollercoaster. We had our ups and downs like any other entity, and we embrace each moment with gratitude, recognizing that they’ve contributed to our growth and resilience.

As we stand on the brink of 2024, it’s the perfect time to embark on a reflective journey through the past year—a year brimming with creativity, innovation, and the steadfast building of our community. Join us as we unveil the top five (5) high points that defined our incredible ride in 2023. Let’s dive straight into the highlights that shaped Albantsho’s extraordinary year!

1. We opened the Albantsho Suite to the public for the first time

Albantsho Suite

In 2023, we officially introduced Albantsho to the world, setting the stage for a new era of creativity. The Scriptwriter, our cloud-based screenwriting platform became the go-to space for storytellers, artists, and creators to bring their ideas to life. With Albantsho, users discovered a seamless and innovative environment that empowered them to explore the boundless realms of their imagination. Internet access became the gateway to a universe of creative possibilities, and we’ve been thrilled to witness the incredible stories and artworks that have emerged since our launch.

Check out the Albantsho Suite here.

2. iDraft 2023 was a blast, the second year in a row

After our maiden edition, hopes were high for the iDraft Screenwriting Workshop to continue the incredible work it had started in the industry. iDraft 2023 didn’t disappoint. It was more than an event; it was a creative explosion! 

Participants came together from all corners of Africa to participate in a collaborative storytelling extravaganza. From epic adventures to heartwarming tales that explored the theme “Humans as Passengers,” the diversity of narratives showcased the power of collective imagination. 

iDraft 2023 wasn’t just about drafting stories; the 14 participants will tell you it was also about forging connections, sharing ideas, and celebrating the beauty of collaborative storytelling. The energy and enthusiasm of our community during iDraft 2023 left us buzzing with excitement and fueled our commitment to fostering creative collaborations. iDraft will return this new year.

Follow us on Instagram @albantsho so you don’t miss the announcement when iDraft returns.

3. Griot Panel 2023: Bringing Creativity to Life, Offline!

iDraft Griot Panel

Daphne Atsutse, Head of Programmes and People

We started the Griot Panel to bring all stakeholders in the iDraft Screenwriting Workshop together in one place to discuss topics that are crucial to the development of self-craft and the industry at large. 

In a groundbreaking move, in 2023, we stepped beyond the digital realm and hosted Griot Panel 2023, our very first physical event, at the Mike Adenuga Center in Lagos. Creators, artists, and experts in the film industry gathered in a shared space to engage in dynamic discussions, workshops, and networking. Griot Panel became a melting pot of ideas, where the vibrant energy of face-to-face interactions merged with the digital spirit that defines Albantsho. The event marked a significant milestone in our journey, demonstrating that creativity knows no bounds, whether online or offline. See the event recap here.

4. Albantsho Prize for Screenwriting at the 2023 Annual Film Mischief: Celebrating Excellence!

For the second consecutive year, Albantsho proudly sponsored the Albantsho Prize for Screenwriting at the 2023 Annual Film Mischief. Emmanuel Mang Eme emerged victorious, earning well-deserved recognition for his outstanding work on “Gold.” This achievement not only highlights the immense talent within our creative community but also reinforces Albantsho’s commitment to nurturing and celebrating exceptional storytelling. Congratulations, Emmanuel, for bringing your script to life, and thank you to everyone who contributed to making this edition of the Albantsho Prize a resounding success!

Hear what Emmanuel had to say about winning the Albantsho Prize for Screenwriting here.

5. We kicked off Albantsho’s In Conversation With…: A Glimpse Behind the Creative Curtain

In Conversation With Mike Gouken Omonua

In 2023, we kicked off a new IG Live series, Albantsho’s In Conversation With…., a platform for discussions with seasoned creatives and experts in the film industry. In this series, we delve into topics tailored for writers and filmmakers of all levels, unlocking a treasure trove of insights. From unraveling the secrets of crafting compelling narratives to exploring the magic behind scene-stealing characters, each conversation was a masterclass in its own right.

Our guests brought passion, wit, and a touch of magic to the virtual stage, creating an atmosphere where words flowed like the finest script. Whether you’re a seasoned storyteller or just dipping your toes into the vast ocean of creativity, these sessions were a source of inspiration and learning for all. As we stroll down memory lane, we tip our hats to every guest who made In Conversation With… a vibrant hub of knowledge and storytelling finesse in 2023. We will be back with more episodes this new year.

Catch up on 2023 episodes of In Conversation With here.


You, Our Valued User: The Heartbeat of Albantsho!

Throughout the twists and turns of 2023, one constant remained – you, our incredible user and follower. Your journey with Albantsho has been the heartbeat of our platform. Your creativity, feedback, and shared moments have shaped Albantsho into the vibrant community it is today. As we continue to discover and unleash our true potential, it’s your stories, your art, and your passion that inspire us every day. Thank you for being an integral part of the Albantsho family. Together, we’re creating a space where creativity knows no limits, and the best is yet to come!


Looking Ahead to 2024

As we step into the new year, Albantsho is more determined than ever to be your go-to platform for unleashing creativity. We have exciting plans in the pipeline, including feature expansions, collaborative projects, and more community-driven initiatives.

Thank you for being a part of the Albantsho family in 2023. Your creativity fuels our passion, and we can’t wait to embark on new adventures together in 2024. Here’s to another year of limitless creativity, shared moments, and the Albantsho community spirit!

Don’t forget to check out the Albantsho Suite:

Wishing you a joyous and creative New Year,

The Albantsho Team

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