Albantsho Suite Emerges to Ignite African Storytelling

Nov 27, 2023

We at Albantsho are excited to launch something groundbreaking for African storytelling today. Introducing the Albantsho Suite – a tool as compelling in its creation as the stories it aims to help tell.

In the heart of Lagos, Nigeria, the Albantsho Suite emerges as more than a set of tools; it’s a beacon for African screenwriters, to start creating their authentic stories. Our mission? To empower African voices, with the best tools for filmmaking so our stories resonate as powerfully as the tales captivating viewers worldwide.


Crafting Empowerment for African Screenwriters

Albantsho Suite combines the functionality of a studio-standard screenwriting software called The Scriptwriter, which is currently available free of charge for users across Africa. It is meticulously crafted to resonate with the richness of African narratives. From ancient folklore to contemporary tales, every feature is a nod to the essence of storytelling enhanced with simple tools to help you focus on the right things.

The Scriptwriter by Albantsho welcomes both beginners and experienced screenwriters, providing a space that grows with you, from your first draft to your masterpiece. 

For those new to the craft, you are hand-held by an educational companion that demystifies scriptwriting formats and conventions, ensuring that your narrative vision keeps to universally recognized standards while seamlessly conveyed onto the page.

We understand the intricacies of African storytelling and continue to build to optimize for more globally appealing yet nuanced narratives. 

The Albantsho Suite is not just a storytelling platform; it’s a commitment to the unique needs of African screenwriters, proudly built by African writers themselves.


Driven by Community Growth and Learning

The journey with Albantsho is a collective effort. We are driven by Community Growth and Learning so we can continue to evolve the platform. Join the conversation on any of our community-driven programs, whether you’re a beginner or a more experienced screenwriter: In Conversation With…, ScriptLive

Join the Slack channel to share your feedback and questions. Responsive updates are the goal of the development team at Albantsho, ensuring we stay at the forefront of industry trends and differentiating evolution. Do not hesitate to reach out with your feedback.


Join Albantsho Today: Craft, Collaborate, and Champion African Stories.

Once again, welcome to Albantsho Suite—a universe where your stories don’t just exist; they thrive. Let’s craft, collaborate, and champion African narratives together.

We eagerly await your creative brilliance.

Get started on today

Click to learn how to navigate the Albantsho Suite


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